
Different types of skin, which one are you?


Finding the perfect skincare for your skin could take a while if you don’t know your skin type. You can see products working for other people but that doesn’t mean it will also work for you. As you know, skin is the largest organ on human system. That is why it is a broad topic to talk about and it can be somehow confusing, thinking how a simple looking skin be the cause of the delay in your beautification.

But don’t worry this will make that process less complicated.

There are four basic types of skin. But incase you do not find yours belonging to those four, there are extra two types here to define your skin.



It is also called “eudermic”. People with this type of skin has a balanced sebum production and ph level in the body.

You have a normal skin if:

  • Your skin does not react negatively on beauty products.
  • Experience minimal breakouts.
  • Clear skin or fine pores.
  • Minimal wrinkles and blemishes

Skin care tips

Having a normal skin is a gift. Skin that is immune of different chemical ingredients can be so much fun. But it doesn’t mean you can just do and eat everything you want. To maintain this skin, you don’t have to hardly try skin-cares, just always hydrate your face, use sunblock and, cleanse. What you must do is eat healthy and exercise.



It is when skin lacks moisture. Dryness of skin is caused by the weather in your place. If it lacks humidity then that could be the reason. Also this can be inherited from your family. And lastly if you enjoy long showers, you may want to lessen that. Taking long showers can take off the important moisture and oil you need.

You have a dry skin if:

  • Rough skin
  • Itching
  • Sensitivity on products

Skin care tips

Since dryness is similar to dehydration, the main solution here is giving enough moisture to your skin. Clean your face not more than twice a day with mild soap. And use some water-based rich moisturiser. Then try to keep the air in your room moist, you can use humidifier. Lastly, stay dehydrated drink lots of water.



If you know blotting sheets then you might have an oily skin. Oily skin is caused by excessive production of sebum, hormonal imbalance and, if you’re in a hot climate place you might have larger pores. This type of skin has a greasy appearance and most likely to be having breakouts.

You have an oily skin if:

  • Greasy skin
  • Open pores
  • Acne prone


Skin care tips

Just like for other types, you need to moisturise your skin. And do not over-wash your face with strong soap and be careful with exfoliators since it will rip off necessary oils on your pores which will make it produce more sebum to compensate for the loss. Most importantly, eat healthy lessen intakes of oily foods  and stay dehydrated.


This one is the combination of oily and dry skin. Where the T- zone of your face or the line from the forehead to the nose is oily, then the rest of your face is dry or normal. This can be caused by chemical products you use that triggers the production of more sebum in the T-zone.

You have a combination skin if:

  • T-zone is oily
  • Sensitive skin except on the T-zone
  • Breakouts

Skin care tips

You shouldn’t use products for just one type of skin. The right thing to do is balance your skincare. You want to use different products for your t-zone and the rest or your face. Use toner and balancing cream for overall to even out your skin. And use what is recommended in that type of skin for parts of your face.



Sensitive skin tends to react adversely on strong chemicals that is in the product, fragrance and, simple things like weather.

You have a sensitive skin if:

  • You feel burning sensation after using products.
  • Patches of dryness and rashes or uneven skin.
  • Type of skin may change depending on the weather.

Skin care tips

Before believing products, you might wanna try doing swatch test on your skin to see its reaction on the product. Don’t put too much chemical products on your skin and use the mild ones to prevent irritation. Try to look for organic and anti- inflammatory products.


Mature skin is when the metabolism of cells becomes slower and activities like synthesis of collagen is decreasing. This may be caused by too much exposure to the sun, hormonal changes, vices and, stress.

You have a mature skin if:

  • Dry skin
  • Wrinkles
  • Yellowish colour of skin
  • Dark spots

Skin care tips

Try changing your lifestyle. Protect your skin from the environment aggression, always hydrate your skin, regenerate your skin by taking collagen. Just do an anti-aging routine that can protect your skin from current and future problems.

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